miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

English IV Blog.

Good and bad points: First Term Review.

Among the things I've learnt in first term I must include all the issues related to Latin-American societies that we studied on "TESAL" (transformaciones en la estructura social de américa latina) optative subject. We studied stratification theory and how it can be used to understand processes of differentiation and evolution of class structure.
That and a very complete narration of each country contemporary history made a really interesting and relevant subject, which gave us essential knowledge to the development of our discipline.
When it comes to sports, first half of the year was very busy for me. I played on a soccer league almost every sunday and trained every wednesday until I got injured and had to stop for a whole month. Other than that, I hope to continue with this because we still have chances to become champions this year.
In addition to all this, I started looking for a job since my savings began to run off. My intentons are to continue living on my own so sometimes not having a regular income was hard to deal with. Fortunately, I've recently found a job that allows me to keep on with my studies along with my desire of not living at my parent's home. Nevertheless, I must say that I have a very good relation with my folks and if I decided to leave their place it was not because we argued a lot or anything like that. It was just my independence will that led me to take that decision.

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