miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

Transantiago, now and then.

The new public transport system has brought a lot of trouble. Nevermind political ones, the main issue is the fact that making such an important modification should be gradual and not in the way that it was made; this is, with alot of "inside" planing, making sure of everything works in "paper" but not realizing that things in the "real life" are a lot more complicated than engineers think. This sort of things requieres that people who design the program go out and experience how is to travel in a public bus at pick hours and when you're late for work. Anyway, things have come a long way since the first day of transantiago. Slowly we're starting to see a modern public transportation system. City ways have been adapted and travel time is going down comparing it with what it was in the beggining. I think things will begin to get more organized as politics realize public money should be invested in public transport, so we can demand for better service, and also because it's very unlikely that only private investment would make this sort of things work.
An interesting thing about transantiago, is that we are starting to see busses all night long. This is very helpful to people who want's to go out and have fun and want's to go back home late at night. Things like this never happened with the old system, so that's a good thing that can be atributted to transantiago.

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