miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Sociological Issues

Sociology is a wide field. to define challenges is to put an eye on what are the issues that need to be solved at a whole society level. therefore, challenges in Chile will probably be slightly different than in Argentina or Brazil or any european country. Here in Chile I think sociology is worried about two main issues. The first is a very complex one and involve many subjects: we're reffering to social structure and the intentions to analize the way it's changing according to the new world stage, globalization, deregulated economic activities and labor flexibility. Of course, this has a lot to do with inequity and poverty, but also with equal opportunities which leads us to the second issue that's "bothering" our discpline here in Chile. We are reffering to Education with everything that implies. Due to recent events, educational system has proved to be very unequal and moreover is broading social differences and therefore sustaining a certain whelth distribuition, that, at least in Chile, needs to be heavily corrected. In fact, that's one of the issues that goverment needs to put their hands to, in order to be part of OCDE organization.

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